He also comments (quite pretentiously, but wonderfully decadently): "Scent is the record of your own special life – it’s your experience. My mission is to capture that experience. I bottle it so you can have it, use it and love it whenever you wish. I can give you scent experiences you never dreamed possible. I create perfumes as unique & individual as those who wear them. And I use a great many scents never before thought of as 'perfume”.' But I know these are just the scents that really hit us where we live – they’re the ones we remember and love. These scents are life."
Anyway, the store was very sparse, two walls on either side of the front portion lined with bottles in categorized shelves. The top shelves had specialty blended "perfume" scents for more money, and the bottom shelves had individual "accord" scents for reasonable prices (most around $25, but some skewing slightly higher). There were some very odd scents, like Bazooka Joe bubble gum, doll head, dirt, gunsmoke, roast beef, dirt, rubber, crayon, and suntan lotion.
I was going back and forth between golden apple, Bartlett pear, black tea, and pomegranate seed, but I ultimately went with the pomegranate seed. Austin was between English novel and Russian leather, and he went with the Russian leather. They also had a really nice perfume called Russian caravan tea, which was very good.
Bag, scroll, and 15ml bottle from CB I Hate Perfume.
It was amazing how well CB was able to capture the scent of something in liquid form. Going there today made me really glad I didn't waste money on a high-end cologne when I was contemplating doing so, because going to a place like this allows you to make a much more personal decision about what you want to convey in your scent.
Anyway, it was a fun time. Tonight is Mary Poppins, which will warrant another post later tonight, I'm sure.
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