Saturday, November 11, 2006

A night in

Today was a long day. I worked from 10 till 6 with a hectic lunch break because of running to the post office for stamps for my boss. After work, I went to the Eugene O'Neill Theatre on 49th Street to get a $25 discount ticket to Spring Awakening on Broadway. The discount was provided to us by NYU because a lot of cast and crew members are affiliated with the university. On the walk home, I stopped into a few stores but didn't buy anything.

I kept thinking to myself, Ricky, you have nothing planned tonight. You have to do something!! That's the voice that speaks to me every time I have a free minute. The city is just so interesting and vibrant that it's hard to resist its call. Tonight, however, I did, and I had a wonderful time doing so.

Bursting with huswifery, I spent the entire evening cleaning my half of the room, which had gotten quite cluttered; doing laundry, which had been building up for several weaks; listening to Nellie McKay; and eating bread and bree from Trader Joe's. Anyway, tomorrow will likely be less blissful -- but that's the way life is.

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