Sunday, June 11, 2006

"An Inconvenient Truth," "A Prairie Home Companion," Wegmans

First of all, tonight I saw An Inconvenient Truth, a film documenting the mission of Al Gore to enlighten the world to the important global problem of global warming that threatens civilization more and more each year. Going into the movie, I knew global warming was a problem, but the movie made it really clear just how important it is that we begin solving the problem sooner rather than later. I suggest that everyone see the movie. It's a bipartisan movie for a bipartisan problem, and it manages to be humorous even while addressing serious issues.

It was nice that they allowed some of the movie to be devoted to talking about Gore's personal experiences and their relation to his viewpoint in regards to the issues at hand as well. Gore shows great charisma unlike I've ever seen before, and it really makes you wish he'd shown as much personality when he was running for President. I was kind of turned off by the fact that it's essentially a PowerPoint presentation recorded as a movie, but it's a really clever, well-done presentation and it's enhanced by other elements that really contribute to an effective film. I really think that you have to be missing a heart to not be moved by this movie.

For more information on the movie, visit .

For 10 things to do to be part of the solution (otherwise you're part of the problem): .

For ways to get others involved: .

Last night, I saw a much lighter movie (both were at the amazing Bryn Mawr Film Institute, by the way) called A Prairie Home Companion which documented the fall of a down home radio show. It was just a very fun, cute movie with some great people (Meryl Streep -- who can sing!, Lily Tomlin, John C. Reilly, Lindsay Lohan, Tommy Lee Jones, Virginia Madsen, and so on). Of course, in relation to the problem of global warming, I suppose the loss of a radio show is less lamentable, but it was still a very well-made fim (it was directed by Robert Altman). Apparently there's an actual Prairie Home Companion radio show on NPR too in case anyone wants to check that out.

Other than these really great movies, today I went with Christina and Leah to visit Ashley at the store she works at in Downingtown, Wegmans. It's a store that has a lot of really spectacular prepared food and a wide variety of groceries, and I must say I was immensely impressed. I got some rice and couscous for my mom as well as some chocolate and Chinese food for myself. I also had plum bubble tea that was supposedly not really what bubble tea is supposed to taste like. Anyway, that was a really fun thing to do today; I definitely hope it wasn't my last time at Wegmans.

Tomorrow night is the 60th Anniversary broadcast of the Antoinette "Tony" Perry Awards, and I'm having some people over to watch them and eat some specil desserts I'm going to spend a lot of time making tomorrow (banana cake with vanilla icing and my spongey lemon glazed cookies...mmm).

Anyway...good times. Next weekend I'm going to NYC to visit Emma and probably see a play, which I'm also very excited about. I'm sure I'll post again after that at the very latest.

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