Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Illness: catching up.

Anyway, I've been very busy and sick for the past few days, so this post will serve as a sort of catch-up for anyone who pays attention to this blog. I'll attempt to be as brief as possible, but it probably won't be all that brief.

Last Thursday, I had two midterms, one in World Cultures and one in Natural Science, so I pulled an all-nighter. Bad idea. That's probably what threw off my entire immune system. Anyway, I think the tests went fine, and I actually wasn't feeling all that tired. In fact, I even stayed up late Thursday without feeling the consequences.

On Friday, I woke up late for a trip to the Guggenheim with some people from the LGBT Office, including Todd Smith (the guy who runs the office), who is a very nice guy (he and his partner Hector are getting committed soon on some special romantic island). I rushed to the office hoping they hadn't left yet and was able to catch up with them before they got to the subway (I actually beat them to the subway). Anyway, the exhibit was of sculptures by David Smith. I had no idea who he was before, but his sculptures were actually quite interesting -- not my favorite art ever, but definitely worth going. Anyway, the subway fare, museum, and post-museum lunch at a nice pizza place were all paid for by the office, which was so nice.

While at the museum, I found out one of the other people there, Gina, went to Merion Mercy Academy with Alyce Wojciechowski (from the 12th Floor) and also did Summer Stage -- and she was also in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, which I saw. She was quite nice.
Friday night, I hung out with Ally at U-Hall and had pizza. We then started walking by the East River, which has some very pretty views. We thought about walking up to Christina's at 116th Street, but we walked part of the way and then took the subway there. We played Cranium there and hung out with Christina, Richard (her boyfriend, and Olga and Brianna (however you spell that), her two roommates.

We left around 3 or 4 AM, and I slept late on Saturday. When I woke up, I was feeling sick, but I woke up to call about Hedda Gabler tickets, because Christina, Ally, and I were going to try to do student rush for that play at Brooklyn Academy of Music. Anyway, they were sold out, and I was not in a state to go anyway, so I slept all through the rest of Saturday.

I woke up on Sunday to get ready for the Oscars! I was feeling slightly better, so I decided to go see Capote, which was a very good movie. I'm not sure I liked Phillip Seymour Hoffmann as much as the hype would suggest that I would, but he was certainly good. The character just has a sort of repellent quality.

The Oscars were quite amusing. I liked Jon Stewart as host. I was disappointed that "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp" beat "Travelin' Thru" by Dolly Parton from Transamerica for Best Song, and I was very surprised that Crash won for Best Picture. Now I have to check that movie out just to see what all the fuss is about. I was predicted Brokeback Mountain as most people were.

On Monday, I went to lab and then attempted to get some bedrest. I also watched an interesting program on public television about knitting and spoke with someone on the phone about volunteering for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

Today, I had class and then went to Ally's to get our lab report done. Then I got yet more rest.

I didn't work today or yesterday, because I really wasn't in any condition to be talking on the phone; no one wants to give money to someone coughing left and right. My boss was very nice about only requiring me to make up one of the days I missed. I'm pretty well certain I'll be back at work tomorrow.

I also finished the first hat that I really enjoy today. It's slightly larger than it should be, so I took up the brimmy area with some stitches to make it a bit more fashion-forward. Overall, I'm quite impressed by it.

In other news, Ally is most likely transfering to Swarthmore from NYU. I hope whatever she chooses makes her happy, but I'll definitely miss her being so close if she leaves NYU. She's just not really as happy here as she deserves to be, so if being here isn't the best environment for her, I suppose it only makes sense that she should be nearer to home.

I also shaved today!

Anyway, good night!

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