Sunday, May 07, 2006

Oh my.

So, two nights ago, I hung out with my German class and my German teacher, Amir, until pretty late to celebrate the fact that our final was over. It was nice to get to know some of my classmates a bit better (Andy, Elizabeth, Alison).

Yesterday I got up at a reasonable hour to go try to find Lisa Schmidt, who was coming to New York to see The Lion King with the chorus from my high school (she goes to Penn State, but her mom works at our school). Anyway, I called a few times without a response, so I kind of just wandered around hoping to find her. Once it was a half hour till the show, I went to the theatre to try to find her, but Ms. Benglian (!!) said that she had already gone in.

Anyway, we text messaged some and worked it out so that I went to meet her when they were going to Little Italy for dinner at 6, which was nice, because I don't really explore that area nearly as much as I should, and I may go take a walk down that way a little later today.

While I was wandering around in Times Square, I ended up running into Jen Coolbaugh and her friend, the two of which I always run into in the theatre district. We met while in the student rush seats at Lennon, and we also ran into each other at the Broadway Flea Market (both of them), Sweeney Todd (Jen's friend), after I saw Chita Rivera (both of them), at the Easter Bonnet Competition (just Jen), and yesterday. It's crazy! Anyway, they were both going to see Lestat and The Drowsy Chaperone, so I warned them ahead of time for Lestat that it's not even bad in a good, funny way.

Last night at 7, I went to heyyyyy Grandma, a showcase of scenes from Emma's first year colloquium. It was a mixed bag, but it was overally quite entertaining, and I was proud of Emma, whose scene and acting were really good.

Later last night, Emma stopped by to talk to David and I and brought some tea with her, which was nice, and this morning Emma and I got breakfast at Downstein so I could say farewell. She left today at noon. I have to say, of all the people I've met this year, she's the one I'll miss the most. She's so great! I'll also miss David, but I've yet to say goodbye to him.

I'm getting to the point where I'm anxious to get home. All I have left to do in New York is to study for my last final, take that exam, pack, and move out, and none of those activities are particularly interesting or exciting. I also miss my friends back home quite a bit. I've also decided that I want to hang out with Lisa more this summer, because we've been getting along well lately and we talk online a lot, but I have to make sure it doesn't compromise my friendships with my best friends.

It's going to be a long summer, that's for sure, but hopefully it'll be mostly a positive experience.

I've also started vaguely working on a play. I don't really want to post anything specific about it yet, but it's coming along relatively well. It's the first time in quite a while that I've gotten an idea that feels really original to me, and I'm coming along pretty well with the dialogue, which is the hardest part of playwriting for me.

Anyway, these last few days are going to be kind of difficult and this summer will be long, but soon enough, I'll be back in New York for sophomore year.

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