Saturday, September 09, 2006

Moon House, "Rocky Horror," Sabon, etc.

So, yesterday I went with my newfound friend Jon Levine and a group of his friends (Simon, Christian, Ben, Cara, Clover, and others) to a nice little Chinese restaurant in Chinatown called Moon House that has "over rice" entrees priced between $3 and $5 that are very big and also very good. There's also a nice ice cream shop next door, so I got lychee ice cream.

After the restaurant, Jon and I went to see the "live cast" showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show at IFC Center, which (when it had a different name), was where these types of midnight showings of the movie started 31 years ago. At these showings, they show the movie and then have live actors acting out the proceedings in front of the stage and throughout the theatre. It was an interesting experience to see once, but it's definitely not something I'd want to do over and over again. The problem for me is that I actually enjoy the film, and it's annoying for me when people add their own alternate lines. Some comments were funny or disgusting and interesting, but others were just annoying. There was also too much preshow entertainment from the emcees. Rocky Horror "virgins" are supposed to go up on stage and play "fake an orgasm" before the movie, and Jon and I had banded together in not participating, but it was terrible enough just to watch them have to go through that humiliation. Anyway, it was fun overall (though also weird).

Today, I went shopping a little bit and bought some soap at this Israeli soap store called Sabon. David had been raving about the place to me since Sam works there and had introduced the soaps to him, so I figured I'd go in, and I think I've also fallen in love with the soaps there. The first thing they do when you come in is ask if it's your first time there and then lead you back to the sinks where you can try out their body scrubs. I tried out lavender apple (which was amazing) and then bought a bar of lemon mint olive oil soap and grass glycerine soap, both of which smell nice. Afterwards I got a little "sauce dish" at Crate and Barrel for $2.50 which I'm utilizing as a soap dish.

Grass soap from Sabon (

Tonight, I'm going to a Thai restaurant called Olieng and seeing Seven Guitars by August Wilson at the Signature Theatre with Emma, Christina, and Richard. I'm quite excited and will most definitely post about that soon.

** Once again, I'd like to remind anyone who reads this that comments are welcome from anyone reading, and you don't have to be a Blogger user to comment (you used to).

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