Sunday, April 02, 2006

Central Park is beautiful, summer is around the corner

Well, the final weeks of school are upon me. Summer approaches, and I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I miss my friends and parents and will be glad to get some time with them, but on the other hand, I love New York, and I've loved this year away from home so much that it's going to be difficult to go back for a full 3 1/2 months just because of missing New York. I feel like last year I was a slightly more angry, less agreeable person, and being away from some of the more overbearing aspects of being home has really made me a better person by letting me view the world more objectively. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my positivity alive during the summer. I really hope I get a nice job that pays well.

Anyway, today I went to Central Park for a really lovely walk. I walked the full length of the park, making stops at Bethesda fountain, where rowboats were in use and my duck friends were mostly gone, and the conservatory garden that Christina and I discovered on one of our walks. It was a really beautiful day, with many of the trees in bloom and chrysanthemums popping with bursts of bright yellow.

After my walk, I had a nice talk with my mom, got some dinner, and then watched Desperate Housewives, which was quite intriguing this week!

Here are some unusually clear pictures I took today:

People enjoying the beautiful weather in Central Park. This shot vaguely reminded me of Sunday on the Island of La Grand Jatte by Seurat.

People atop large rocks as seen through chrysanthemums.

The skyline as seen over Jackie Onassis Reservoir, a really pretty place to walk.

A saxaphonist under a footbridge -- how very like a painting.

A beautiful little statue amid the flowering treas of the Conservatory, which Christina and I discovered on one of our walks together.

Boats in Central Park!

I really like the flowers juxtaposed against the iron gate -- don't shoot me for being that pretentious.

My friend, the duck. This time, I saw ducks up near Central Park North, because boats had forced them out of the Bethesda Fountain area. Bah!

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